We Are Dedicated To Preserving Your Wealth

If you are bringing separate property into a marriage, it’s important to take steps that ensure that you don’t lose it in a divorce. If you get married without a solid prenuptial agreement, your real estate holdings, trust funds, stock options, pension, business interests, retirement funds and other assets are at risk. You might even have to pay spousal support for many years, simply because your spouse decided not to work, even if you don’t have children. If you’re entering into a second, third or fourth marriage, ensuring that your money goes to your own children, not the children of your new spouse, is an extremely important consideration. Gone are the days when prenuptial agreements were considered unromantic or dealbreakers – today they are simply a must. GourariLaw has a team of experienced New York City prenuptial agreement attorneys that can help you draft an agreement that protects you.


How Prenups Protect Your Separate Property

You may think your separate property is protected as a matter of law, but the character of your assets can change due to marriage. For example, the law is clear that an inheritance is separate property, but if you need to dip into those funds to pay for home renovations, medical care, or your children’s college education, it can be transformed into marital property. If you’re bringing a home into the marriage, don’t get the false impression that being the sole owner on the deed protects the value of that property. If marital funds are used to repair or maintain the home, it could become marital property subject to division in a divorce. The best way to protect your property from being distributed to your spouse in a divorce is to execute a prenuptial agreement that specifies the nature of all property brought into the marriage and how it will be distributed upon divorce. You can count on GourariLaw to get the job done right.